What is MELT Method©
The MELT Method is a selfcare treatment that eliminates chronic pain, improves performance, and decreases accumulated stress caused by the repetitive postures and movements of everyday living and also exercise. MELT improves hydration and fluid exchange in the connective tissue system.
Whether you’re a performance athlete, desk-bound during the day, or doing everything right when it comes to your health…
There’s a good chance you’re overlooking a fundamental cause of chronic pain, symptoms of aging, and so much more .............. Dehydrated Fascia.
So what is Fascia and what causes dehydration?
Fascia is the supportive connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, organ, bone, blood vessel, and nerve fiber in your body.
Dehydration there that can lead to things like back pain, joint pain, tension, headaches, and all kinds of instability?
The cause is simple: Just being alive.
Our repetitive, everyday motions lead to the dehydration we call Stuck Stress.
When you use MELT’s specific techniques, you help undo this Stuck Stress by bringing a flush of fresh fluid through the system to restore your fascia’s supportive, supple nature.
You also release compression and tension that brings imbalance and misalignment that (you guessed it) only cause more Stuck Stress later on.
MELT has grown since its conception by Sue Hitzmann into a system that not only restores hydration and neurological timing but includes methods for improving joint stability.
This method is relevant to all.
- If you have chronic pain.
- If you suffer from an injury.
- If you do sports.
MELT Method is for you.